# jest-changed-files A module used internally by Jest to check which files have changed since you last committed in git or hg. ## Install ```sh $ npm install --save jest-changed-files ``` ## API ### `hg.isHGRepository(cwd: string): Promise` Get the root of the mercurial repository containing `cwd` or return `null` if `cwd` is not inside a mercurial repository. ### `git.isGitRepository(cwd: string): Promise` Get the root of the git repository containing `cwd` or return `null` if `cwd` is not inside a git repository. ### `hg.findChangedFiles / git.findChangedFiles (root: string): Promise>` Get the list of files in a git/mecurial repository that have changed since the last commit. ## Usage ```javascript import {git, hg} from 'jest-changed-files'; function changedFiles(cwd) { return Promise.all([ git.isGitRepository(cwd), hg.isHGRepository(cwd), ]).then(([gitRoot, hgRoot]) => { if (gitRoot !== null) { return git.findChangedFiles(gitRoot); } else if (hgRoot !== null) { return hg.findChangedFiles(hgRoot); } else { throw new Error('Not in a git or hg repo'); } }); } ```