# 2.2.3 * Font lookup is now case-insensitive, preventing unwanted removal of fonts that are used (thanks to @thomas-mcdonald). # 2.2.2 * Removed a dependency on `flatten`. * Performance tweaks; now performs a single AST pass instead of four. # 2.2.1 * Now compiled with Babel 6. # 2.2.0 * Added a new option to remove `@namespace` rules (thanks to @plesiecki). # 2.1.0 * Added options to customise what the module discards (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.0.0 * Upgraded to PostCSS 5. # 1.0.3 * Improved performance by reducing the amount of AST iterations. * Converted the codebase to ES6. # 1.0.2 * Fixes an integration issue where the module would crash on `undefined` `rule.nodes`. # 1.0.1 * Fixes an issue where multiple animations were not being recognized. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.