# postcss-message-helpers [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/MoOx/postcss-message-helpers.png)](https://travis-ci.org/MoOx/postcss-message-helpers) > [PostCSS](https://github.com/postcss/postcss) helpers to throw or output GNU style messages. This modules offers you some function to throw or just output messages with [GNU style](https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Errors.html): `sourcefile:lineno:column: message` ## Installation ```console $ npm install postcss-message-helpers ``` ```js var messageHelpers = require("postcss-message-helpers") ``` ## Usage ### `var fnValue = messageHelpers.try(fn, source)` Execute `fn` an return the value. If an exception is thrown during the process, the exception will be catched, enhanced from source & re-throw. ### `var sourceMessage = messageHelpers.message(message, source)` Returns a message like `sourcefile:lineno:column: message`. `source` should be a postcss source object from a node. ### `var source = messageHelpers.source(source)` Returns `sourcefile:lineno:column` for a given `source` postcss object. ### Example ```js // dependencies var fs = require("fs") var postcss = require("postcss") var messageHelpers = require("postcss-message-helpers") // css to be processed var css = fs.readFileSync("input.css", "utf8") // process css var output = postcss() .use(function(styles) { styles.eachDecl(function transformDecl(decl) { // will catch, adjust error stack, line, column & message (gnu style) then re-throw messageHelpers.try(function IwillThrow() { if (decl.value.indexOf("error(") > -1) { throw new Error("error detected: " + decl.value) } }, decl.source) // will output a gnu style warning if (decl.value.indexOf("warning(") > -1) { console.warning(messageHelpers.message("warning: " + decl.value, decl.source)) } }) }) .process(css) .css ``` Checkout [tests](test) for more examples. --- ## Contributing Work on a branch, install dev-dependencies, respect coding style & run tests before submitting a bug fix or a feature. $ git clone https://github.com/MoOx/postcss-message-helpers.git $ git checkout -b patch-1 $ npm install $ npm test ## [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## [License](LICENSE)