# 2.1.6 * Resolves an issue where postcss-svgo would convert colours to hex codes without URL-encoding the `#`. # 2.1.5 * Bump svgo to v0.7.x. # 2.1.4 * Fixes an issue where postcss-svgo would throw with some SVGs that were not properly URI encoded. # 2.1.3 * Upgrade is-svg to version 2. # 2.1.2 * Fixes an issue with processing some malformed URIs (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.1.1 * Bump SVGO to 0.6.1 (thanks to @shinnn). # 2.1.0 * Adds `encode` option (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.0.4 * Updates postcss-value-parser to version 3 (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.0.3 * Uses postcss-value-parser instead of async-replace to reduce cssnano's download size (thanks to @TrySound). # 2.0.2 * Fixed an issue where the module was not handling exceptions from decoding URLs. * The module will now convert all SVG wrapping quotes to single quotes, which is consistent with SVGO's output. # 2.0.1 * Fixed an issue where the `charset` definition was being removed from the SVG source, breaking IE compatibility (thanks to @ophyros). # 2.0.0 * Upgraded to PostCSS 5.0. # 1.1.0 * Adds support for uri-encoded SVG files, for better compatibility with postcss-svg. # 1.0.1 * Push ES5 build to npm. # 1.0.0 * Initial release.